LOOFC, platform for education and working area F&C
Information for prospective students of HBO Finance & Control
Anja Jalink, editor-in-chief of ControllersMagazine, interviewed young people who were taking their first steps on the labor market after studying HBO Finance & Control (or Business Economics as the study was previously called). Wonderful stories from enthusiastic young people from very diverse backgrounds: one knows exactly what he or she wants, while the other first waits to see what happens. One goes through the study as if it is nothing, while the other doubts, switches, searches, has conversations, and then suddenly sees the light. Sometimes it’s a matter of growing up. Sometimes a patient teacher or an enthusiastic internship supervisor helps. In the end it usually works out fine. The interviews – two lecturers also speak – have been collected in this online magazine for HBO Finance & Control students, both prospective, studying and graduating.
You are in good company